“O taste and see that the LORD is good.”
Psalm 34:8
●The Bible Message●Service and Small Groups●Ministries
The Bible Message
"And he (Jesus) said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. (The Gospel of Mark 6:31)”
Have you ever heard a tale of two lumberjacks?
Once there were two lumberjacks. One day they decided to compete who can cut the tree most in a day. The first lumberjack started to cut trees and never took any break. He looked up and see how the other one doing. To his surprise, the other lumberjack was sitting down on the chair! The first one picked up his broken axe again and started his work again.
At the end of the day, they found out that the other lumberjack—the one who was sitting down—won the game. He was not just sitting down but he was sharpen his axe time to time and cut down the trees without any effort.
Jesus, here in this passage, told disciples to rest a while. He did not accuse them of being tired, but comfort them because he knew his disciples were so busy and worn out that they barely had no time to sit down and relax.
Jesus knows when you are so busy.
Jesus knows if you are weary and worn out.
Jesus is not blaming you of being tired. No, He is not.
Instead, He is telling us, “Hey, why don’t you sit and sharpen the axe a while?”
Because we need it to stand up again and be productive, again. We all have mission and calling from God in our lives, and we need to rest time to times for it.
Why don’t you come to church and take a rest a while? And receive comfort and encouragement from the Bible. If you are suffering from guilt, come to Jesus. He will accept your repentance and gives you a new start. If you feel like you cannot make it another day, come to church and receive the strength to live. God would give you the power and smile on your face again.
《Pastor Hironobu Furuta》
Service and Small Groups
- Sunday
Worship Service 10:00AM
Sunday School 8:45AM
Jr. High/ High School 9:00AM - 2nd Sun. Afternoon
Men’s Ministry - 4th Sun. Afternoon
Youth Ministry - Wednesdays
Prayer Meeting 7:00PM - Fridays
Bible Class 10:00AM(Currently Inactive) - 2nd Tuesday
Women’s ministry 10:00AM - 4th Tuesday
20’s and 30’s Women’s Ministry 10:00AM
- Sign Language Class
Mondays 10:00AM - Hand Bell Choir Lessons
Thursdays 10:00AM
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